Some of you might recall our trip to Positano, Italy last year, when we stayed at Le Sirenuse, a breathtakingly beautiful hotel that is perched on a cliff overlooking the sea. During the tourist season, the world comes to Le Sirenuse, and the owners, Antonio, Carla and Franco Sersales, have hosted many famous and glamourous people over the years. During the off-season, they like to travel to the most remote regions of the world, because they are avid wanderers, ever-hungry for the sights, sounds and tastes of foreign lands.
Well, yesterday, I received an email from Antonio who told me that he has decided to start a blog. It can be found here and you will see that in addition to being an amazing business owner and photographer, Antonio is a beautiful, beautiful writer. He and Carla are such lovers of art and language that they host an annual writer’s conference that is run by Dani Shapiro – yes, the very same Dani Shapiro who will be doing a live chat with us in a couple of weeks about her book, Devotion.
Anyway, check out Antonio’s blog, and leave a comment, either in English or Italian.
I apologize for my silence the past few days. Very caught up in certain goings on in the city. But I’m back!
The post Take a Virtual Trip appeared first on Ann Leary, author of The Good House.